Inspection of track systems with the Velos Rotors V3 and a RIEGL VUX-120 payload for the purpose of checking the clearance and the extended travel path. Classification of the laser point cloud according to customer categories, as well as georeferencing based on existing control points. Measurement of the track axis, the vegetation in the vicinity and possible tilt of the masts.


Power line inspection with the Velos Rotors V3 and a RIEGL miniVUX-3 payload for the purpose of vegetation control. Classification of the laser point cloud according to 12 categories and georeferencing based on existing control points in the customer's coordinate system. Checking the cable sag and distances to the underlying vegetation.


BVLOS operating license for an Austrian operator of unmanned aircraft to further develop a cargo operating concept with the Quantum Systems Trinity Pro. Achievement of a first important milestone towards the rollout of an efficient and sustainable drone cargo operation in the EASA area.


Emergency Response Plan (ERP) training for the organization of a BVLOS drone operator in accordance with its operating license. Implementation of a theoretical and practical part as part of a recurring training. Further development of the ERP based on practical experience and the "table-top exercise".


Certification of a customer's operational organization according to the drone standard BARS (Basic Aviation Risk Standard) RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) of the Flight Safety Foundation. Successful accompaniment through all audits of the competent certification authority and attainment of the "Gold" standard.


Integration of the RIEGL laser scanner series for small unmanned aerial vehicles. Low-vibration and plug-and-play integration kits now available for the RIEGL miniVUX series and VUX-120/160. Perfect precision in regular operation.


BVLOS operating license for an operator of a high alpine power line for inspection flights in winter with the Velos Rotors V3. Flight close to a busy highway and using a laser scanner, video gimbal and RGB cameras.


Integration of a BVLOS Command and Control (C2) link based on the ELISGHT HALO into the UAS Velos Rotors V3. Compliance documentation as an attachment to applications for operating permits according to EASA and RTCA standards for proof of the quality of the control connection between drones and ground station up to SAIL II.


Integration of the Drone Rescue System DRS-25 parachute and Flight Termination System (FTS) into the Velos Rotors V3 UAS. Compliance documentation according to EASA Light-UAS MOC.2511 for BVLOS operation under "enhanced containment" conditions near crowds and heavily frequented airspace.



Learn more in the Safety and Compliance Lexicon

The definition

  • Acceptable level of safety performance (ALoSP)

    The level of safety performance agreed by State authorities to be achieved for the civil aviation system in a State, as defined in its State safety programme, expressed in terms of safety performance targets and safety performance indicators. 

  • Accountable executive

    A single, identifiable person having responsibility for the effective and efficient performance of the service provider’s SMS. 

  • Change management

    A formal process to manage changes within an organization in a systematic manner, so that changes which may impact identified hazards and risk mitigation strategies are accounted for, before the implementation of such changes. 

  • Defences

    Specific mitigating actions, preventive controls or recovery measures put in place to prevent the realization of a hazard or its escalation into an undesirable consequence. 

  • Errors

    An action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from organizational, or the operational person’s, intentions or expectations.

  • Hazard

    A condition or an object with the potential to cause or contribute to an aircraft incident or accident. 

  • Risk mitigation

    The process of incorporating defences, preventive controls or recovery measures to lower the severity and/or likelihood of a hazard’s projected consequence. 

  • Safety

    The state in which risks associated with aviation activities, related to, or in direct support of the operation of aircraft, are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level. 

  • Safety data

     A defined set of facts or set of safety values collected from various aviation-related sources, which is used to maintain or improve safety. Note.— Such safety data is collected from proactive or reactive safety-related activities, including but not limited to: a) accident or incident investigations; b) safety reporting; c) continuing airworthiness reporting; d) operational performance monitoring; (viii) Safety Management Manual (SMM) e) inspections, audits, surveys; or f) safety studies and reviews.

  • Safety information

    Safety data processed, organized or analysed in a given context so as to make it useful for safety management purposes. 

  • Safety management system (SMS)

    A systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountability, responsibilities, policies and procedures. 

  • Safety objective

    A brief, high-level statement of safety achievement or desired outcome to be accomplished by the State safety programme or service provider’s safety management system. Note.— Safety objectives are developed from the organization’s top safety risks and should be taken into consideration during subsequent development of safety performance indicators and targets. 

  • Safety oversight

    A function performed by a State to ensure that individuals and organizations performing an aviation activity comply with safety-related national laws and regulations. 

  • Safety performance

    A State’s or service provider´s safety achievement as defined by its safety performance targets and safety performance indicators.

  • Safety performance indicator

    A data-based parameter used for monitoring and assessing safety performance.

  • Safety performance target

    The State or service provider’s planned or intended target for a safety performance indicator over a given period that aligns with the safety objectives.

  • Safety risk

    The predicted probability and severity of the consequences or outcomes of a hazard. 

  • Surveillance

    The State activities through which the State proactively verifies through inspections and audits that aviation licence, certificate, authorization or approval holders continue to meet the established requirements and function at the level of competency and safety required by the State. 

  • System

    An organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and interdependent elements and components, and related policies, procedures and practices created to carry out a specific activity or solve a problem.

  • Trigger

    An established level or criteria value for a particular safety performance indicator that serves to initiate an action required, (e.g., an evaluation, adjustment or remedial action).


  • unmanned aircraft system (‘UAS’)

    unmanned aircraft system (‘UAS’) means an unmanned aircraft and the equipment to control it remotely;

  • unmanned aircraft system operator’ (‘UAS operator’)

     unmanned aircraft system operator’ (‘UAS operator’) means any legal or natural person operating or intending to operate one or more UAS;

  • assemblies of people

    ‘assemblies of people’ means gatherings where persons are unable to move away due to the density of the people present;

  • UAS geographical zone

    ‘UAS geographical zone’ means a portion of airspace established by the competent authority that facilitates, restricts or excludes UAS operations in order to address risks pertaining to safety, privacy, protection of personal data, security or the environment, arising from UAS operations;

  • robustness

    ‘robustness’ means the property of mitigation measures resulting from combining the safety gain provided by the mitigation measures and the level of assurance and integrity that the safety gain has been achieved;

  • standard scenario

    ‘standard scenario’ means a type of UAS operation in the ‘specific’ category, as defined in Appendix 1 of the Annex, for which a precise list of mitigating measures has been identified in such a way that the competent authority can be satisfied with declarations in which operators declare that they will apply the mitigating measures when executing this type of operation;

  • visual line of sight operation

    ‘visual line of sight operation’ (‘VLOS’) means a type of UAS operation in which, the remote pilot is able to maintain continuous unaided visual contact with the unmanned aircraft, allowing the remote pilot to control the flight path of the unmanned aircraft in relation to other aircraft, people and obstacles for the purpose of avoiding collisions;

  • beyond visual line of sight operation

    ‘beyond visual line of sight operation’ (‘BVLOS’) means a type of UAS operation which is not conducted in VLOS;

  • light UAS operator certificate

    'light UAS operator certificate’ (‘LUC’) means a certificate issued to a UAS operator by a competent authority as set out in part C of the Annex;

  • model aircraft club or association

    ‘model aircraft club or association’ means an organisation legally established in a Member State for the purpose of conducting leisure flights, air displays, sporting activities or competition activities using UAS;

  • dangerous goods

    ‘dangerous goods’ means articles or substances, which are capable of posing a hazard to health, safety, property or the environment in the case of an incident or accident, that the unmanned aircraft is carrying as its payload, including in particular: (a) explosives (mass explosion hazard, blast projection hazard, minor blast hazard, major fire hazard, blasting agents, extremely insensitive explosives); (b) gases (flammable gas, non-flammable gas, poisonous gas, oxygen, inhalation hazard); (c) flammable liquids (flammable liquids; combustible, fuel oil, gasoline); (d) flammable solids (flammable solids, spontaneously combustible solids, dangerous when wet); (e) oxidising agents and organic peroxides; (f) toxic and infectious substances (poison, biohazard); (g) radioactive substances; (h) corrosive substances;

  • payload

     ‘payload’ means instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or accessory, including communications equipment, that is installed in or attached to the aircraft and is not used or intended to be used in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight, and is not part of an airframe, engine, or propeller;

  • direct remote identification

    ‘direct remote identification’ means a system that ensures the local broadcast of information about a unmanned aircraft in operation, including the marking of the unmanned aircraft, so that this information can be obtained without physical access to the unmanned aircraft;

  • follow-me mode

    ‘follow-me mode’ means a mode of operation of a UAS where the unmanned aircraft constantly follows the remote pilot within a predetermined radius;

  • geo-awareness

    ‘geo-awareness’ means a function that, based on the data provided by Member States, detects a potential breach of airspace limitations and alerts the remote pilots so that they can take immediate and effective action to prevent that breach;

  • privately built UAS

    ‘privately built UAS’ means a UAS assembled or manufactured for the builder’s own use, not including UAS assembled from sets of parts placed on the market as a single ready-to-assemble kit;

  • autonomous operation

    ‘autonomous operation’ means an operation during which an unmanned aircraft operates without the remote pilot being able to intervene;

  • uninvolved persons

    ‘uninvolved persons’ means persons who are not participating in the UAS operation or who are not aware of the instructions and safety precautions given by the UAS operator;

  • making available on the market

    ‘making available on the market’ means any supply of a product for distribution, consumption or use on the Union market in the course of a commercial activity, whether in exchange of payment or free of charge;

  • placing on the market

     ‘placing on the market’ means the first making available of a product on the Union market;

  • controlled ground area

    ‘controlled ground area’ means the ground area where the UAS is operated and within which the UAS operator can ensure that only involved persons are present;

  • maximum take-off mass

     ‘maximum take-off mass’ (‘MTOM’) means the maximum Unmanned Aircraft mass, including payload and fuel, as defined by the manufacturer or the builder, at which the Unmanned Aircraft can be operated;

  • unmanned sailplane

    ‘unmanned sailplane’ means an unmanned aircraft that is supported in flight by the dynamic reaction of the air against its fixed lifting surfaces, the free flight of which does not depend on an engine. It may be equipped with an engine to be used in case of emergency.

  • unmanned aircraft observer

    ‘unmanned aircraft observer’ means a person, positioned alongside the remote pilot, who, by unaided visual observation of the unmanned aircraft, assists the remote pilot in keeping the unmanned aircraft in VLOS and safely conducting the flight;The State activities through which the State proactively verifies through inspections and audits that aviation licence, certificate, authorization or approval holders continue to meet the established requirements and function at the level of competency and safety required by the State. 

  • airspace observer

    ‘airspace observer’ means a person who assists the remote pilot by performing unaided visual scanning of the airspace in which the unmanned aircraft is operating for any potential hazard in the air;

  • command unit

    ‘command unit’ (‘CU’) means the equipment or system of equipment to control unmanned aircraft remotely as defined in point 32 of Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 which supports the control or the monitoring of the unmanned aircraft during any phase of flight, with the exception of any infrastructure supporting the command and control (C2) link service;

  • C2 link service

    ‘C2 link service’ means a communication service supplied by a third party, providing command and control between the unmanned aircraft and the CU;

  • flight geography

    ‘flight geography’ means the volume(s) of airspace defined spatially and temporally in which the UAS operator plans to conduct the operation under normal procedures described in point (6)(c) of Appendix 5 to the Annex;

  • flight geography area

    ‘flight geography area’ means the projection of the flight geography on the surface of the earth; 

  • contingency volume

    ‘contingency volume’ means the volume of airspace outside the flight geography where contingency procedures described in point (6)(d) of Appendix 5 to the Annex are applied;

  • contingency area

    ‘contingency area’ means the projection of the contingency volume on the surface of the earth; 

  • operational volume

    ‘operational volume’ is the combination of the flight geography and the contingency volume; 

  • ground risk buffer

    ‘ground risk buffer’ is an area over the surface of the earth, which surrounds the operational volume and that is specified in order to minimise the risk to third parties on the surface in the event of the unmanned aircraft leaving the operational volume.

  • night

    ‘night’ means the hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight as defined in Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012


A - D

ADREP Accident/incident data reporting

AEC airspace encounter category

AEH airborne electronic hardware

AGL above ground level

AIA Accident investigation authority

AIP aeronautical information publication

ALoSP Acceptable level of safety performance

AMC acceptable means of compliance

ANSP air navigation service provider

TO THE airspace observer

AOC Air operator certificate

ARC air risk class

ATC air traffic control

ATS Air traffic service(s)

BVLOS beyond visual line of sight

C2 command and control

C2 link performance

C3 command, control and communication

CAA Civil aviation authority

ConOps concept of operations

CRM crew resource management

CVR Cockpit voice recorder

D3M Data-driven decision-making

DAA detect and avoid

Doc Document

DSSS direct-sequence spread spectrum

E - L

EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency

ERM emergency response manager

ERP Emergency response plan

ERP emergency response plan

ERT emergency response team

EU European Union

EVLOS extended visual line of sight

FDA Flight data analysis

FDR Flight data recorder

FHSS frequency-hopping spread spectrum

FMS Financial management system

FRMS Fatigue risk management systems

FTD flight training device

GASP Global Aviation Safety Plan

GM guidance material

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System

GRC ground risk class

HMI human machine interface

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ISM industrial, scientific and medical

iSTARS Integrated Safety Trend Analysis and Reporting System

JARUS Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems

LACA low-altitude controlled airspace (below 150 m (500 ft))

LOSA Line operations safety audit

M - R

MCC multi-crew cooperation

METAR aviation routine weather report (in (aeronautical) meteorological code)

MS Member State

MTOM maximum take-off mass

NAA national aviation authority

OFDM orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing

OHSMS Occupational health and safety management system

OM operations manual

OSHE Occupational safety, health and environment PIRG Planning and implementation regional group

OSO operational safety objective

PDRA predefined risk assessment

QMS Quality management system

RASG Regional aviation safety group

RBO risk-based oversight

RCP required communication performance

RF radio frequency

RLP required

RP remote pilot

RPS remote pilot station

RSOO Regional safety oversight organization


SAG Safety action group

SAIL specific assurance and integrity level

SARPs Standards and Recommended Practices

SD Standard deviation

SDCPS Safety data collection and processing system

SDS safety data sheets

SeMS Security management system

SMM Safety management manual

SMP Safety Management Panel

SMS Safety management system(s)

SORA specific operations risk assessment

SPECI aviation selected special weather code in (aeronautical) meteorological code

SPI Safety performance indicator

SPT Safety performance target

SRB Safety review board

SRBS Safety risk-based surveillance

SRM Safety risk management

SSO State safety oversight

SSP State safety programme

STDEVP Population standard deviation

STS standard scenario

SW software

T - V

TAF terminal area forecast

TCAS traffic collision avoidance system

TMPR tactical mitigation performance requirement

TNA Training needs analysis

TOM take-off mass UA unmanned aircraft

UAS Regulation Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft

UAS unmanned aircraft system

USOAP Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme

USSP U-space service provider

VLL very low level

VLOS visual line of sight

VO visual observer

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